Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Giant Safety Pin, Makes a Great Christmas Present

All I can say is haha! Before I even post a photo, I want to tell you a quote from the Auction Ad:

"Buy Now for Christmas Giving."

Maybe that is just something they post on all of their auctions? I do not know. But here it is...
The 4 1/4 Inch Safety Pin!!!

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At only .99 cents it is Rather a great deal! And maybe the bidder decided to take them up on that Christmas gift giving offer! The shipping and handling on this baby is $3.00 costing more than the item it's self!

And this safety pin could come in handy. The only thing is I can only think about someone using it to dress up like a GIANT baby... Jerry Springer here I come!

Giant Safety Pin, Unusual, Interesting, Weird Items